Male House Finch feeding fledgling - backyard birding |
Male House Finch feeding fledgling - backyard birding |
Deer, Elk, & Bison of Yellowstone National Park Collared Elk - Lower Geyser Basin |
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This young deer was on the alert and very skittish when approached - Willow Park |
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Elk - Willow Park |
Siesta time at the Lodge, Tower-Roosevelt |
Herd of Bison - Hayden Valley |
Bison - Hayden Valley |
Just as cute as Bambi! Tower Falls |
Our morning hike on Clear Creek Trail started off sunny, but there was a small storm brewing. |
Didn't see much wildlife on the trail, except lovely settings. |
Beautiful sunflowers everywhere |
White Butterfly |
Beautiful vista as we headed off the trail ahead of the storm |
Our day started with a pretty sunrise in Hayden Valley, a 'hot spot' for wildlife in the morning hours. |
The early morning mists cleared to reveal a Grizzly bear sow with 2 cubs feeding on a carcass. A very kind photographer allowed me to view through his scope this truly amazing sight! Hayden Valley |
Hard to see, but mama Grizzly (on left) is on the alert & turns to see or hear an intruder approaching. |
Sure enough, a much larger Grizzly running very fast in the direction of grizzly family & carcass! (he ran them off) |
Bald Eagle ( a lifer! ) - Hayden Valley |
Lone female black Wolf - Willow Park |
Another view - Black female wolf - Willow Park There were numerous sightings throughout the park area of 4-5 wolves traveling together but I was happy to get this one. |
Small brown bear (grizzly?) traveling alone, but this is the closest my lens and I would get with Mom most likely near by. Black-tail Deer Plateau |
Bull Elk - Willow Park |
Found this Gray Jay in the parking lot. Upper Falls - Canyon Village |
Rufous Hummingbird (m) - Prescott, Az. |
Rufous Hummingbird (m) Prescott, Az. |
Rufous Hummingbird (m) Prescott, Az. |
Rufous Hummingbird (m) Prescott, Az. |